Episode 2: Art Over Content

I post sporadically because I am a creative artist not a content creator.

In 2020, Holy Spirit instructed me to “keep creating”. He wasn’t speaking of content but only that which He anointed my hands & mind to create. So, this year that is my primary & singular focus. To keep creating. In 2022, God showed me in tremendous ways that He does not need the help of social media (or myself for that matter) to bring me customers & clientele. He proved that by giving me huge assignments and sales through avenues outside of social media. He is faithful & while it may not be the case for most people, social media for me has been a hindrance that God has been telling me for months to abandon, though not entirely.

This simply means, I will post when I am moved to post or when God has something He wants me to say. I don’t create for money, I create for purpose which results in people buying into that purpose through the purchase of a piece that I’ve created. Likes, views & comments have never been my motivation but unfortunately in the past, self-promotion has. This year is different. I’m disconnecting myself from the bondage of social media algorithms through my complete obedience to God. I’m abandoning the prescribed social media cultural norms and its varied complexities and fully embracing purpose. This year, I am allowing God to promote my work as HE sees fit.

He has already proven to me that He can and that He will. Not only has He proven it but He has done so without the imaginary crutch of social media. Because at the end of the day, it is His work first so He is happy to promote it. In humility, I have made the decision to stay in my lane and allow myself the room and space to truly reflect God and His image in every way. Creating purpose not content is the goal. I’ve learned along the way that purpose lasts longer and makes more impact. I am a creative artist, not a content creator & my primary focus is my craft. My priorities have shifted this year because my walk with God has shifted. Through constant prayer & fasting in 2022, I am now free to confidently execute the hard things. The things that I was afraid to do or not do because the world’s strategy said that social media has to be done a certain way.

No longer will I push out content that people will consume today and forget about tomorrow in the name of posting consistently, for the sake of self-promotion. I’ve always felt this way but this year I’m allowing my action’s & behavior to reflect it. In all actuality, an education in creativity is worth something far more valuable and is lasting. I haven’t been called to create content, I have been called to create art.

Natisha Waukii

Accessories designer and artist for NyaMani Designs


Episode 1b: Podcast, Writings, and Reasons